In the gospel of John, chapter 18, when Jesus stood before Pilate in the Roman Judean judgement hall, Jesus said that as messiah he came in part as a witness to the Truth. Pilate responded "Quid est veritas?," or "what is truth?" Jesus wasn't talking about representing some point of debate or philosophy. He was stating his personal authority as God's Truth in the flesh. A lot of people are asking similar questions about right and wrong, fact and fiction, truth and propaganda these days. I'm following a fascinating thread started by another acquaintance wherein they are discussing truth, being right (not a direction, or political leaning, but correct/confirmed in a principle or belief) regarding ultimate "truth." One person posited that they have come to their belief after much study and are convicted and committed in their conclusion; though others have the right to disagree. Admirable, as far as it goes, but not really quite the question. The ability and right (or privilege) to disagree with another's beliefs has absolutely nothing to do in determining what is in fact "truth." Truth isn't a matter of opinions. Truth is what it is because it is true. Jesus could say to Pilate that Jesus had come as a witness to the Truth, because Jesus is God's Truth. Your opinions, nor mine, have any influence whatsoever over truth. We only express what we think in relation to truth. Truth remains unchanged irrespective of what we think about it. Agreeing or disagreeing is superfluous. In the Christian scriptures, for example, Lucifer disagreed with the Father. Lucifer was wrong. The Father and Truth remained unchanged despite opinions to the contrary. Pardon the pun, but getting down to earth in a more present example might be those who still contend the earth is a flat disc. Some might be quite convicted in that regard. The earth's sphere continues to spin in its orbit despite their opinions. Truth is still truth.