Who is your hero?...
When I was young I loved watching the annual 4th of July Parade, and remember always seeing men in uniform marching along with ribbons and medals across their chests. They seemed so strong, proud and heroic.
I also watched many TV shows with heroic people in them, some wearing masks to hide their identity as they accomplished their daring deeds. These imaginary characters I also thought of as heroes.
As I've put a few decades between those childhood years I've learned a little about real heroes. Daring deeds, dashing uniforms, and mysterious identities aren't really what defines a hero. I've been surprised and pleased to learn that heroes are actually sometimes the overlooked among us.
During this COVID-19 "flatten the curve" effort I've read a few articles about local heroes. One article defined the qualities of heroism saying it requires the basic elements of humility, being dedicated to a task or effort, empathy, a giving attitude, and teamwork.
Each one of the following show all of these characteristics and are worth our recognition as the heroes in our community during this COVID-19 pandemic:
Paramedics & Ambulance Drivers
Police & Sheriff Department , Fire and Highway Patrol officers
Healthcare Workers of every kind from the ER to the Senior Care facility.
And finally, the Grocery and Pharmacy Store Workers keeping the shelves stocked each day.
All of these humbly go about their daily jobs on our behalf with dedication and team spirit, caring about the community they serve, and giving themselves to meet the need. They're sacrificing each day, and so are their families. Please respect their efforts and show your support by limiting your trips outside your home to absolute necessity, and wear a breath mask when you must be out. Help and respect them as they daily are helping all of us during Stay at Home, Stay Healthy efforts. Together we're all on the team making a difference.
Please click back to the COVID-19 Community page and see the list of needed items that help many of these local heroes serve us all. Then help in any way you can. Thank you.