The Promises of God

Thursday, July 4, 2024

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease (Genesis 8:22).

One morning after a terrific thunderstorm a little child came downstairs and asked, "Daddy, what was God doing last night? Was He making the morning?" The father replied, "Yes, dear, I guess He was."

This is the promise of God: Day and night, the seasons one after another, will come. The earth had just been devastated by the Flood, the routine of life destroyed. Noah looked upon the scene of desolation and then turned to God in worship. Soon the smoke of his sacrifice ascended, and his faith was shown by his works. The great curse of the Flood was gone, and the Lord promised new blessings. The seasons and the succession of day and night are to continue as long as the earth endures. Sunset and sunrise, sunrise and sunset, is the record of history and astronomy. God's promise has not failed, nor will it fail. Whenever we see the sunrise let us remember God's promise.

"Seedtime and harvest" make life possible. "Summer and winter, and day and night" are His fulfilled promises. The God of Noah is the God of nature, the God of fulfilled and fulfilling promises.

Over a fireplace in Princeton University is a motto written by Albert Einstein, which reads, "God is a scientist, not a magician." God's ways of upholding the universe we call the laws of nature; they are not erratic; they are dependable because they are based upon His promises. Modern science would be impossible if they were not.

Let us learn from Noah to make God first in our lives.


  • Have faith in God, nor day nor night shall cease;

  • Have faith in God, the seasons' due increase;

  • Have faith in God, from Him our life and peace;

  • Have faith, dear friend, in God.


MEDITATION PRAYER: "And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O Lord: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints" (Psalms 89:5).

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