My Supper With Jesus

Friday, November 18, 2022

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20, NIV.

I love to open my home to people, to have them come in and share my sofa, my music, my kitchen, my cooking. There’s something about sharing a meal with someone that draws us closer together. That’s why my most precious mental picture of Jesus is that of having Him come into my home and and eat the meal I cook for Him. I imagine baking for Him my own homemade bread and letting its aroma fill the air. When Jesus knocks at the door, I open it and He says, “Oh, something smells good!”

“Thank You, Lord!” I reply. “I’m so glad You came. I’ve looked forward to our time together.”

I usher Him into the living room and seat Him on my comfortable sofa. (I have carefully fluffed and arranged the throw-pillows ahead of time.) I get out an album of the most recent family pictures for Him to look at while I finish preparing our meal. In the background beautiful music is playing for Him to enjoy.

“Lunch is ready. Please, come join me,” I invite. I lead Jesus into the kitchen to my table that is loaded with good things for us to share. After giving thanks, Jesus Himself breaks the bread, and we eat together. Of course, He loves my cooking. He can taste the love I have stirred into every morsel. But what I love most is His presence in my home—being able to look into His face, to feel His love, to talk to him about everything.

Of course, it’s only a fantasy, but not entirely. I may never get to bake bread for Jesus and have Him come and sit on my sofa. But His presence is with me—in my home and wherever I go. I can feel His love, and I can talk to Him about everything. Someday I will even be able to look into His face. But until then, I will enjoy our quiet times together—sweet fellowship with Jesus.

O my Jesus, let me never get so busy that I forget how important it is to have sweet fellowship with You every day!

—Lynda Mae Vanden Toorn

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