
Sunday, November 13, 2022

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12.

We live in a retirement apartment complex and are fortunate to have our “villa” bus take us where we wish to go. One Sabbath my husband and I had boarded the bus for church, and I remarked to him how nice he looked in his brown suit. “It isn’t brown,” he replied. “It’s blue.”

I felt sorry that he was so off on the color of that beautiful suit, and ever after, when he wore it, I reminded him it was not blue, it was brown. He failed to be convinced, and our different opinions became a private little joke.

By nature, I’m an early riser. I cherish the early morning hours when my concentration is best. I love talking with my Best Friend and listening to His words to me from His Book. It sets the tone for my day. For several months, though, I had been having problems with focusing. I was definitely troubled with eyestrain. I looked forward to my routine visit with my ophthalmologist. New lenses, I knew, would correct my problem.

When my doctor suggested that I had cataracts, I was not a little surprised. Before I left his office I had been scheduled with the surgeon for cataract removal. The procedure went well, and I was amazed at the clear lines and brilliant colors I was now seeing--I was observing things as they are in the real world. What a difference! Reading was a pleasure. I reveled in the bright colors of the out of doors.

One Sabbath my husband pulled out his favorite suit to wear to church-—he brown one, of course—and at that moment I realized how wrong I had been. His suit was blue! He had been right all along and had been so gracious about it.

This experience taught me a lesson I never want to forget. When I see flaws in those around me, I must remind myself that it could well be my spiritual cataracts. I know my Great Physician wants more than anything else to correct my vision by cutting away the defects in my character. My prayer is that when I am tempted to see flaws in others, I will ask Him to stand between us where I can catch a glimpse of His loving face. Then, by keeping my focus on Him, I will reflect His beauty to everyone I see.

—Lorraine Hudgins-Hirsch

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